
just anything that comes to mind

Archive for the category “goodvibes”

20 things about me:

1. I’m not a morning person, thus I don’t eat breakfast.
2. I like arts & crafts especially if it involves using scissors.
3. I know how to ride a bike but I don’t know how to balance anymore when I need to turn.
4. I live so far from work that it takes 2-3hrs travel time and I can’t sleep when travelling.
5. Majority of the movies I’ve seen on the cinema are cartoons.
6. In college, I dropped out of Literature because the professor wants us to sing before getting our classcard.
7. I have a cat named Prince.
8. Generally, I’m not fond of babies/kids, especially when they are crying.
9. I have a tattoo design ready for years but hasn’t found the courage yet to ink it.
10. Milk is my kryptonite.
11. My vision is 500/550 and I’ve been dependent on contact lenses since graduating from college.
12. I have high tolerance for spicy foods.
13. I am afraid of anyone touching my nails, so no mani/pedi service for me, I do my own nails since high school.
14. I still live with my parents in the house I bought for them.
15. I can draw but I can’t sing and dance.
16. I prefer the Harry Potter series million times over Twilight.
17. So far, I’ve only been to 7 countries.
18. My onshore boss calls me Tequila Girl.
19. Christmas is my fave holiday, only because of the songs & cold weather.
20. I am pink.

“I can get my head turned by a good-looking guy as much as the next girl. But sexy doesn’t impress me. Smart impresses me, strength of character impresses me. But most of all, I am impressed by kindness. Kindness, I think, comes from learning hard lessons well, from falling and picking yourself up. It comes from surviving failure and loss. It implies an understanding of the human condition, forgives its many flaws and quirks. When I see that in someone, it fills me with admiration.”

~ Lisa Unger (via blacktidalwave)



since it was pen’s last day, we decided to grab a few drinks. the simple laid back few drinks we planned ended up in a gay bar! this was my first time to actually step inside this kind of bar! ahaha they were actually worried that i won’t enjoy it but it was okay naman. we’re able to catch the night’s highlight, macho men dancing with just skimpy briefs and greasy bodies! hehe un totoo i found it boring haha cguro sa buong crowd (there were literally soooo many people as in) i’m the only one who’s thinking cguro what on earth made these men have a job like this?! ewan, pero that’s one realization for me, this is real at hindi sa movies lang nangyayari😳 second realization, it’s weird to see men kissing, hugging and almost making out!! i’m pro same love, sabi ko nga love is love no matter the gender pero my goodness, i’m not really prepared yet to witness these kind of stuffs! nkkloka!! iba iba sila, there were super gwapos, super machos, young, old, cross dressers, foreigners, iba iba! there were some that would really pass for a straight man, hindi mo talaga maiisip that they’re gay. kahit saan ako tumingin they were engaging into something with someone, whoa! tranny divas also performed that night, i actually enjoyed them than the macho men😁 but above all mas bumenta talaga samen was the cross dresser from the other table, all out impersonation, he even showed on the crowd his boob, haha mukhang duhat!!😜 pen asked me couple of times if there’s also a bar for les, i don’t really know haha i’m more on chill lang, not really into crowded & noisy places. oh well, all in all it was a fun night, surprisingly i enjoyed my first gay bar experience😌💗🎉💃





it was pen’s last day last friday. 4 long years, sabay tayong ngsimula, nauna ka lang umalis. the clown & energy of international marines will be greatly missed! lahat ng kabalbalan, katarantaduhan, kabastusan sa’yo ko natutunan haha! everyday office won’t be the same anymore! but tama ka teh, no goodbyes, we’ll keep in touch! fly high and best of luck😃😉✨



These are Tegan and Sara from the band, lo and behold, Tegan And Sara! Ahaha! I only discovered their music recently, via Tumblr. Yes, they are twins and they are gay and very much out from the very start! 🙂 And right now, I’m all smitten by them! My tumblr is slowly turning into a T&S blog, my eyebags are literally bigger now than my eyes because i’ve been browsing and watching non-stop their Youtube videos. Not to mention that i’m playing the whole day their latest album, Heartthrob. And duh, they’ve got sense of humor too!! Just don’t make them dance, it kills me haha!

Urgh, if only they’ll visit here!

25 Ways To Become The Happiest Version Of Yourself

By Jessica Peterson

I wish I had the perfect recipe and could douse you all with a concoction of a timeless and magical potion for lifelong happiness. I’m hoping that many of you already live happy and fulfilling lives, but in my opinion, there’s always room for improvement. So since I can’t provide miracles, but can instead provide experience, I’ve come prepared with some interchangeable core essentials. Here’s a list of what I’ve come up with when drinking a bottle of wine on a Monday doesn’t work:
1. Discover your sense of purpose and your relevance to the world. Use it wisely and live your daily life with this in mind.
2. Pay off your debt. You have no idea the freedom it will bring you! For many of us, student loans are inevitable, but drowning in bills as you begin your adult life will undoubtedly eat away at your soul. A second and third job might mean a lack of sleep and social life for awhile, BUT it sure beats drowning in money problems and selling your soul to the devil (or the government in this case) for the next 10 years. Here’s how I paid off $40,000 in just 18 months.
3. When it comes to family, friends, and significant others, don’t forget to love wholeheartedly. If you find yourself unable to, then you’re investing your time in, and spending your time with the wrong people. Get away quickly rather than trying to convince yourself.
4. Be thankful. Every single day. Every time you open your eyes to a new day of life on this earth. And learn to appreciate every moment of the beauty surrounding you.
5. Realize that people will undoubtedly hurt and disappoint you. It won’t bother you as much if you have substandard expectations of people ahead of time.
6. …And… learn to forgive those who have wronged you. Not for them, but for yourself. You’ll rest easier by loving more and hating less.
7. Embrace your independence. Know how to survive on your own mentally, emotionally, and financially. Know that there is a BIG difference between being alone and being lonely. And know that contrary to popular belief, there is more to life than always being in love. (Back to back relationship’ers.. I’m talking to you).
8. Save and spend wisely, but be a little reckless at times too. Remember… you can’t take your money with you when you die. SO.. go ahead and splurge on a the #1 combo at the movies, on a fancy anniversary dinner, on jumping out of a plane or on that long-time imagined vacation overseas. Don’t let all of your hard work sit in a bank for years to come for no apparent reason. Get out there and enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to create while you are young enough and still physically able to do so. *Note: this is much easier once you pay off that high interest debt that keeps accumulating by the second. Something to keep in mind :).
9. Try to be as non-judgemental as possible. It’s human nature to judge, but at least be mindful of this quality and try to be open-minded and accepting of those different from yourself. Believe it or not, we all have similar wants, needs, hopes, and dreams for the future, and you’re only limiting yourself by discriminating based on race, sex, age, ability, religion, education, sexual orientation, etc. And I can personally guarantee that you’re the one missing out on a wholllleeee lot of amazing people by being a self-centered, self-righteous, and ignorant asshole.
10. Never EVER let money be the driving force of your life. You’ll be amazed at how freeing a life without this need will be. There is a whole lot more to life than stressing over finances.
11. … So… don’t feed into consumerism. Fancy belongings will only give you temporary happiness and will never fill the emptiness like good experiences and good people will. For me, nothing beats a (many) good beer(s), good food, good football, good music and good company. Find out what yours is and make it happen.
12. See the positive in every negative. Being negative not only affects you, but affects those around you as well. Try to be the person that lifts people’s spirits, instead of shatters them.
13. In the same respect, be realistic. Life isn’t a constant succession of endless rainbows and butterflies. The earlier you accept the ups and downs as an inevitable part of life, the quicker and easier you’ll be able to move along.
14. Shatter societal norms. Live life to your own accord. Dance to the beat of your own drum. Traditional American lives aren’t for everyone and that’s okay. Do it anyway.
15. Remember that being overworked and unfulfilled will get you nowhere. Live in a way that you’ll look back on and say, “I had quite the amazing life.”
16. Let go of those who have let go of you, and hold on like hell to those who haven’t. And never ever settle in your quest to find people who truly deserve to be a part of your life.
17. Travel, explore, and truly experience new cultures. You owe it to yourself to see what life is like somewhere else. And you owe it to yourself AND others to broaden your view of the world.
18. Trust that most people in this world are good and let this be your driving force to meet new people and constantly learn from them.
19. Take risks and do things that scare you often. You will never learn, change and grow otherwise. You will simply adapt to a boring life of comfort, and that’s not really the point of life now, is it?
20. Surround yourself only by people who help to make you into the best version of yourself. Look for: The people who bring out your wild side. The people who make you cry from laughing uncontrollably. And the people who love and support you unconditionally.
21. Get an education. Not for the outcome of a life sucking corporate job afterwards, but for the education itself. Never underestimate the power of learning and how it will change your life.
22. Donate your time, money, and/or your skills to those less fortunate than yourself. It will give you a wake up call you so desperately deserve.
23. Never rely on anyone for your own happiness, but instead be willing and able to create it for yourself. But always, always accept the help of friends and family when you need it. Pushing people away in times of sadness will only make your life more difficult. Trust me on this one. Just open up.
24. Eliminate the things that make you unhappy. Seems simple, but it’s easier said than done. Don’t like your job? Quit. Don’t like your relationship? Leave. Don’t like your home? Move. It really is as simple as that. Be strong enough to move on and push forward from the things that no longer serve your live purposefully and positively.
25. And last, but DEFINITELY not least, be driven, be motivated, and find something in this crazy world to live for. Be humble, be kind, be thoughtful, be intelligent, be understanding, and be UNIQUE. And always, always dream big.

Forever Young


…this had so much impact on me. there are days i’m so worried about me getting old and not just looking old! i sometimes look in the mirror and ask “do i look like my age?” i would reason that i don’t care growing old as long as it doesn’t show (sounds like a commercial, but it’s so true mostly for women). i realized i was only hiding my anxiety with that reasoning, when in fact i’m really afraid of growing old and not just looking old! whenever someone asks about my age, i always tell them i’m forever 21 (look at my bio,haha!)

hey, Morrie, this is a big eye-opener for me.. something i need to think about and absorb, maybe because i’ve got regrets… for all the things i want to do, there’s still so much i want out of my life but at the back of my mind,i’m just, i guess one step at a time,savour the moments and hope against all hope, as each day pass, i won’t pray anymore to stay forever young… AMEN 🙂


…and i badly need to learn this😌

~ Tuesdays With Morrie

“Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with. Someone who speaks highly of you. Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laughs that make your belly ache, and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs. Wit is important. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. Make sure they are somebody who lets you cry, too. Despair will come. Find someone that you want to be there with you through those times. Most importantly, marry the one that makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you. A love that will never dilute – even when the waters get deep, and dark.”

(via inlovewiththewrongdream)

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